Deborah O'Toole Artist branding

Hi there! a little bit about me…

I’ve been a professional singer for over 35 years, the past 21 years as a lead vocalist with the Australian Army Band. I’ve been fortunate that my performing career has taken me all over the world and my experiences have been diverse and some very memorable.

Alongside my performing career (actually, since a teenager) I have enjoyed creating visual art with a particular fascination with textiles, and I graduated from RMIT with a Diploma of Art - Studio Textiles and Design in 2011.

Recently I felt the calling to explore other mediums such as digital art, water colour, mixed media and simple pen doodles. All this dabbling prompted me to contemplate creativity as a tool for wellbeing and led to the development of my colouring book “It Starts With A Heart”, Mindful Creativity Workshops and a podcast “the Joyful Creative.”

So here you’ll find digital artworks available through print on demand site Red Bubble, new podcast episodes and upcoming workshops.

As is the case with most Defence families, I relocate often but I’m currently living in Brisbane, Australia with my husband Tooley and Roxie the labradoodle. We are empty nesters now with our grown up kids living interstate. I’m passionate about daily creativity, sparkly things, the colour pink, my morning coffee and listening to disco music while doing housework.