Deborah O'Toole Deborah O'Toole

8 tips on How to be creative when you really can’t be bothered

 So you have the time but not the motivation? Here are 8 tips to get you off the couch, away from the screen and into your studio when you just can’t be bothered. Anyone relate??

In short:

Allow yourself to do the minimum and celebrate those small wins.

Plan a big reward for finishing a project.

Get yourself an accountability partner.

Have inspiration in your environment.

Get physical.

Put down the phone!

Change up your medium.

Start with a simple warmup activity.

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Deborah O'Toole Deborah O'Toole

Don't let your ego stop you from doing your creative thing!

 Don't let your ego stop you from doing your creative thing!

Lately I've found myself wondering if I should still be performing in a rock band at age 53.

After 35+ years in the biz, am I too old for this? Sometimes my aching body says yes! But more often it's my nasty nagging inner-critic (ego) that says I look too old and it's silly for a woman my age to be prancing around the stage, belting it out like Tina Turner. Nobody told Tina to stop doing it when she was 53 so why should I?

I believe that when your soul calls you to do something creative, it shouldn't matter what age, gender, type you are. Creativity transcends stereotype so just go for it!

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